Laser Eye Surgeries

Bronx Eye Associates
Optometrists located in Pelham Gardens, Bronx, NY
Due to their extreme precision, lasers take many potential complications out of surgery involving your eyes. At Bronx Eye Associates in the Pelham Garden neighborhood of the Bronx, New York City, the team provides laser eye surgery to improve your eyesight, appearance, or both. Call the practice or book a consultation online today to find out if you’re a candidate for laser eye surgery.
What is laser eye surgery?
Laser eye surgery is an operation on your eyes that utilizes lasers instead of other, more traditional, surgical tools. LASIK eye surgery is the best-known laser eye surgery and is most commonly performed to correct vision problems.
At BronxEye Associates, your provider might recommend laser eye surgery to correct:
• Nearsightedness
• Farsightedness
• Presbyopia
• Astigmatism
These refractive errors make it difficult to see clearly at certain distances or points in your field of vision.
During laser surgery, your provider uses a laser to create a flap in your cornea. They reshape the tissue to correct your specific refractive error according to your prescription. Finally, they put the flap back to cover the front of your eye.
The entire procedure usually takes less than half an hour, and your eyes heal quickly. Many people undergo laser eye surgery to reduce their need for prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses or to stop wearing them altogether.
What are some other uses of laser eye surgery?
Laser eye surgery is great for vision correction but can also be utilized cosmetically to improve tired eyes. If you have loose skin and wrinkles around your eyes, you might not appreciate how they make you look. Wrinkles around your eyes can make you look older or more tired than you are. In some cases, they can even get in the way of your peripheral vision and make it harder for you to drive safely or perform specific tasks.
With laser eye surgery at Bronx Eye Associates, discuss with your provider the options for improving the appearance of tired eyes and reclaiming your youthful glow.
How should I prepare for laser eye surgery?
Before any laser procedure at Bronx Eye Associates, you should attend a consultation with your provider to discuss your medical history, your treatment goals, the medications you currently take, and any other relevant factors. They can tell you exactly what to expect during and after your surgery.
They may also give you instructions to follow as you prepare for your laser eye surgery or cosmetic laser surgery. Your instructions might include:
• Keeping the area around your eyes clean and makeup-free for surgery
• Arranging a ride to and from the clinic
• Wearing glasses instead of contact lenses on the day of your surgery
• Getting an eye exam before your surgery
Your instructions for preparation might vary depending on your health and the medications you take. Following instructions from your provider ensures you can recover swiftly from your surgery and reduces your chances of complications from the operation.
Book a consultation by phone or online at Bronx Eye Associates today to find out more about laser eye surgery.
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