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Why Does it Feel Like My Headache Is in My Eye?

Why Does it Feel Like My Headache Is in My Eye?

Various types of headaches and migraines are a very common problem for over half of adults worldwide. Many people struggling with headaches and migraines don’t get the treatment they need, and for some, the pain and misery from them are enough to lead to being unable to work and missing school.

Among the many problems headaches can cause is pain and discomfort in one or both eyes. Other conditions can also lead to this problem, so to better understand why this happens, let’s examine the problems that lead to these issues and your treatment options.

If you live in the Pelham Gardens area of the Bronx and you’re dealing with what feels like a headache in your eye or similar issues, the team of doctors at Bronx Eye Associates can help.

Conditions that cause eye headaches

Here are just some of the conditions that can lead to what feels like a headache in your eye


Tension and cluster headaches are the types likely to lead to this painful sensation, with tension headaches being the most common globally. Tension headaches create what feels like a tight band of pressure around your forehead and pain behind both eyes, while cluster headaches cause searing or piercing pain behind one eye.


Often confused with headaches, this is a neurological condition that presents with different phases, during which you can experience eye pain, sensitivity to light, impaired vision, flashing lights, or aura.

Eye strain

Pain behind the eyes may also be due to the stress of straining your vision, which can come from staring at computer screens, phones, and other digital devices. If you’re dealing with uncorrected vision problems, it can also lead to pain associated with eyestrain.


Inflammation or infection of your sinuses can cause nasal decongestion that can cause pressure on your cheeks, forehead, and behind your eyes.

Eye conditions

Other problems that can lead to similar symptoms include scleritis, optic neuritis, Graves’ disease, glaucoma, and retinal migraine.

Treatment options

With so many causes, the options for managing this problem are varied and can include lifestyle changes, medications, and devices to manage the underlying condition. Stress management, meditation, relaxation techniques, and over-the-counter medications are options you can use at home. 

If that’s not enough, a range of drugs such as antidepressants, triptans, beta-blockers, and anticonvulsants can be used for various conditions that cause headache-like symptoms in your eyes.

Feeling like you have a headache in or around your eyes is an unpleasant experience that can happen for many reasons. If you’re struggling with eye pain, make an appointment with our team at Bronx Eye Associates today to get relief. 

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