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3 Methods to Slow The Progression of Myopia 

3 Methods to Slow The Progression of Myopia 

Refractive errors occur when your cornea is incorrectly curved, so it can’t refract light properly, leading to blurry vision. Myopia is the scientific term for nearsightedness (when objects are blurry farther away and become clear when closer to you), and is a very common form of refractive error that can often start in childhood.

Regular glasses or contact lenses are basic solutions to manage myopia, but there are ways to slow its progression as well. As myopia specialists, we offer MiSight®, the only FDA-approved contact lens to treat myopia. 

For problems with myopia and other refractive errors, the medical team at Bronx Eye Associates is dedicated to helping the residents of the Pelham Gardens area of the Bronx, New York.

Defining myopia

Myopia affects 30% of Americans. In addition to making things blurry farther away from you, can also present with other signs, such as eye strain, squinting at objects far away from you, and headaches. The symptoms you encounter depend on the cause and severity of your issues with this condition. Without treatment, this can affect school or work performance, so you should get your children tested if they start showing signs.  

Myopia is often a refractive eye problem but can also be a condition resulting from an axial error, where the eye stretches over time and can become a problem later in life.

Common causes

Often, this eye problem is an inherited trait which can be passed down from one or both parents. While the overall cause isn’t entirely understood, the current theory is that both hereditary and environmental factors play a role. Things that increase your chances of developing it include staring at computer screens or smartphones for long periods and not spending a lot of time outside. Those from East or South East Asian countries are at higher risk of getting it. 

Pathologic myopia is a degenerative form of the problem that leads to changes in the back of the eye and can lead to other issues like glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, and optic neuropathy.

Slowing its progression

Here are the options we offer to help you slow down the progression of myopia:


We offer the FDA-approved MiSight®, a disposable contact lens that helps to correct the refractive issues associated with myopia. As myopia specialists, we are also part of a further FDA safety study using this lens. 

Atropine eye drops

Low doses of these drops are taken just before bed and can not only slow the development of the problem but can prevent serious complications. They’re very useful in children as their vision develops.

Multifocal lenses

These soft lenses help with nearsightedness and your child should see a significant decrease in eye elongation and myopia progression.


This is the term for a specialized contact lens worn at night as your child sleeps that can help reshape the cornea and correct the condition.

Myopia is a problem millions of people struggle with, but help is available and we’re here to offer solutions. Make an appointment with the medical team at Bronx Eye Associates to see better and deal with fewer long-term complications from myopia.

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